Named after a beloved Vietnamese Princess, Wakaku is an inspired Japanese sushi restaurant located within the Royal hotel in the ancient port town, Hoi An in Vietnam. This restaurant and hotel is run by the MGallery group of hotels in South East Asia, and they were looking for something relevant, fresh and inspiring for the logo and branding of one of their most hallowed Japanese restaurants.
The design and interior architecture of the restaurant is state of the art and the logo needed to compliment and satisfy a certain taste for Japanese style and cuisine. Japanese art and architecture is unique and has offered a huge amount of inspiration to past and present designers of all forms. We aimed to bring a direct connection with these inspirational Japanese art and design movements.
The scope of the project included design work for menus and print marketing as well as a website design that would help to attract customers to the delectable and intriguing Japanese dishes the chef had created. The connected deeply with the M Gallery aspirations and the Wakaku restaurant was bestowed a face.